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How to Schedule a Makeup Lesson

How to Schedule a Makeup Lesson

Login to Your Parent PortalVisit the parent portal at this link or go to our website under "Current Members" at Cougar Mountain Stables.

Locate the Absent Class Once logged in, find the class that was marked as absent.

Search for a Makeup Lesson After selecting the absent class, search for any available "Red Level" makeup classes. Remember, you have 30 days to schedule a makeup lesson. The earlier you submit your absence, the more time you’ll have to find a makeup class.

Early Submission Tip Some parents are already marking absences for November, giving them up to 120 days to find a makeup class! Being proactive can help ensure you find a spot that works for your schedule.

Check Back Frequently If no makeup classes are available when you first check, don’t worry. Keep checking the portal regularly, as new spots will open up as other parents mark their kids out.

  • Options will appear here, current no available spots, keep checking! Parents register absences often.

Why This Matters Our "No Show" policy is strict because it ensures the system works for everyone. We’ve had several unregistered absences this summer, which has made it difficult for other parents to find makeup spots. By following these procedures, we can maintain flexibility and fairness for all families.

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